Platform Rewards: Current vs Projected APR

When staking Dystopia LP tokens on the platform, APR numbers & rewards are displayed on each pool/deposit. This page explains each number in a bit more detail.

Projected APR

This is the yield percentage that is currently being generated by the pool which is being displayed on the frontend, based on the current TVL, current Dystopia Gauge boost that is active on that pool and rewards priced in USD.

If all parameters stay exactly the same for a few weeks (TVL, DYST boost, DYST price, PEN price, potential 3rd party incentives), this will eventually turn into the current APR. As that scenario is very unlikely to happen, projected APR should be taken with a grain of salt.

Current APR

This is the -current- net yield percentage you will get on your collateral when you are in the pool. All fees are already abstracted from this number. I.e. if you have 100k in a pool with 100% current APR, you'll be receiving ~274 USD worth of rewards per day This yield is based on all the currently active harvests which have already been called and are currently being streaming to active participants in the pool over a 7 day period from the moment a harvest was called. When you join the pool, you will instantly receive this yield per block.

Locked Rewards

These are the rewards which have been allocated to you already and are currently in locked status thus not available to be claimed instantly. Locked rewards are automatically converted to unlocked rewards over a warm up period of 7 days.

Warm up period of 7 days is to prevent large players from depositing for a short period of time and sucking up all the rewards.

Available to Claim Unlocked Rewards

As rewards start accumulating on Penrose they are automatically converted from locked to unlocked status over 7 days. Unlocked rewards are available to be claimed instantly using the 'Claim' button on the website.

Users can just click the Claim button multiple times over 7 days to get unlocked rewards in parts or can choose to claim all at once at the end of warm up period.

Last updated